Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2010 Customer Appreication Cookout

Thank you to everyone who helped make the 2010 Customer Appreciation Cookout held at our offices at 1130 Washington St this year so special. We were honored to have many of our past clients and freind stop by to say hello and have a bite to eat with us. It is always great to catch up and hear how people are using and loving their homes since the remodeling has ended.

Craig was busy grilling most the day, we honored Mark Caruso's 20th Anniversary with Almar, and Paulette Lilla the Custom Decorator did a short presentation on decorating a room ar ound a theme.

All the guests were sent home with ALmar Goodie goodie bags with small gifts donated by our freinds at Certainteed, Matthews Electric, Rockland Trust, The Cleaner Spot and of course Almar.

And the Kids Zone was well stocked with their own "construction site" sand boxes, Bubbles, Construction Sticker projects, Bob the Builder Dvds and Corn Holes games. Alongw ith Almar "hard hats".

You can see more photos on our facebookpage:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Checking with the Town Before Planning Your Remodel

It's been getting tougher and tougher to get building permit lately? Many cities and towns have started making homeonwers "jump thru hoops" before they can veen apply for the building permit by making them go thru Zoning, Conservation, and the Board of Health for even a basic project. This add not only time but costs to your home improvement project. It's important to not only have good plans and project descriptiion but you should check with these departments as you start planning your project. We can always help with this too, and guide you along the way.